This is the Unit Converter Project Basic Logic of javascript and Begineer Friendly Project
Hello ! Here is a Full Stack Web App.A responsive Web app where one can order food online, having Admin Panel with access to add & delete menu items!
It is a Recruiting website for the Students and the working professionals.
ProjektHouse is a Web Application for managing final year team data and associated project files. The application enables teams to create an account, log in, and manage their project details and files.
Ecomerce website where user can view various products.
CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, called pens and test them.
This is my personal portfolio website made using reactjs
This is a fitness center website. It is used to provide information and resources to help individuals improve their physical health and wellbeing.
A discord bot that does wonders
This is the website made for all the Potterheads!!! Here everybody can download their favourite harrypotter books and movies for free.